Soy Luna Wiki

Matteo: Guitarrista, I must say that I'm very happy that you're staying. It would be boring without you at Jam & Roller, going around, doing the things you do.
Simón: Yes, especially if I don't annoy you, you'll get bored fast.
Matteo: I wouldn't have anyone to make jokes on.
Simón: Good. If you want, I can give you a mirror with my face on it so that you can laugh while looking at it every morning.

Sitteo (Si/món and Ma/tteo) is the conflict pairing of Simón Álvarez and Matteo Balsano.

For the off-screen pairing of Michael Ronda and Ruggero Pasquarelli, see Rondarelli.

Conflict History[]

Season 1[]

Part 1[]

Matteo first saw Simón when the latter came to Jam & Roller for the first time. He was immediately jealous of Simón's closeness to Luna and they soon became rivals as they both wanted to win Luna's heart.

Their dislike for each other led to multiple arguments that emerged whenever they crossed paths.

Part 2[]

For the Random Open Music, Simón, Matteo, and Luna are put in a group together. In a conversation with Gastón, Matteo says his doesn't like the things Simón says, his attitude, or his suggestions for the Open. Matteo is especially bothered by Simón because he thinks he pretends to be friends with Luna even though all he wants to do is date her. Gastón responds by accusing Matteo of doing the same thing.

Their relationship changed in the last couple of episodes of Season 1 as Simón helped Luna and Matteo come together after realizing that Luna was in love with Matteo. Before Matteo left for Italy, he gifted Simón his helmet.

Season 2[]

Part 1[]

When Juliana, the new rink manager, came and had to form a team for the Roda Fest, both Simón and Matteo made it to the final team. Simón was paired up with Ámbar and Matteo with Luna, and the pairs competed for the position as lead couple of the team. However, Juliana ultimately chose Simón and Matteo to be the lead couple, surprising everyone. Although the two boys were reluctant at first, they eventually agreed to be the leads for the good of the team.

Part 2[]

Matteo continues to harbor some jealously for Simón, picking fights with him on occasion and putting him down during an interview.

Friendship History[]

Season 3[]

Simón and Matteo have come to an understanding and Matteo joins the Roller Band. Since Gastón is gone, Matteo becomes quite close with Simón.

After Matteo's kiss with Emilia is exposed at Luna's Open Music, Simón fights with Matteo once again, saying that he broke his promise to not hurt Luna and that he hasn't changed at all. When it is revealed that Emilia set up Matteo, they repair their relationship and become friends again.

Other Names[]

  • Siteo (Si/món and Mat/teo)
  • Mimón (M/atteo and S/imón)
  • Simótteo (Simó/n and Ma/tteo)



  • Both have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Both can play the guitar.
  • Both have worked at Jam & Roller.
  • Both have dated Luna.
  • Both have dated Ámbar.
  • Both participated in and won the Open Music Solistas.
  • Both are members of the Roller Band.


  • Matteo is Italian, while Simón is Mexican.
  • Matteo comes from a rich family, but Simón doesn't.
  • Matteo attended Blake South College, but Simón didn't.



Song - The Sitteo song could be "Prófugos," since they both sang the song at the Open Music in Season 1/Episode 26.[7] The Sitteo song could also be "Nadie como tú" as they sang it together in Season 2/Episode 50.

Episode - The Sitteo episode could be Season 1/Episode 26 because they sang together in that episode.[7] It could also be Season 2/Episode 38 as they danced together in that episode.[10]

Color - The Sitteo color could be blue since they were both wearing it when they sang together.

Place - The Sitteo place could be Jam & Roller because they sang together there and both regularly hang out there.


Season 1[]

Season 1/Episode 43

Matteo: Luna's not the problem, it's her friend Simón. I can't stand him.
Gastón: Why does that boy bother you so much?
Matteo: He doesn't bother me. I just don't like what he says, his attitude, and his suggestions for the Open suck.
Gastón: It's clear the only thing you like about him is his friend Luna.
Matteo: I'm being serious. That's what bothers me. He continues to be friends with Luna when all he wants is to date her.
Gastón: Isn't that what you want?

Matteo: Luna? I don't have feelings for her.

Simón: [to Luna] Matteo and I will never agree on anything. We don't get along well.

Matteo: [to Simón] At least we agree that we don't want to be together.

Season 1/Episode 46

Matteo: Guitarrista, I must say that I'm very happy that you're staying. It would be boring without you at Jam & Roller, going around, doing the things you do.
Simón: Yes, especially if I don't annoy you, you'll get bored fast.
Matteo: I wouldn't have anyone to make jokes about.

Simón: Good. If you want, I can give you a mirror with my face on it so that you can laugh while looking at it every morning.
Matteo: [to Luna about him and Simón] It's something between me and him.

Season 2[]

Season 2/Episode 57

Simón: [to Luna] Matteo is not a bad person.


To view the Sitteo gallery, click here.

