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Soy Luna Wiki

RollerTrack is an online account owned by Gastón Perida


Gastón created RollerTrack to talk to FelicityForNow (Nina Simonetti) after reading several of her posts. As they talk, they both start to fall in love with each other.

When Delfina finds out Gastón is RollerTrack, she pretends to be Felicity. He eventually finds out that Delfi lies and uses all his resources to find out who Felicity is and even seeks help from Delfi and Jazmín.

He asks Felicity to meet him in the park and tells her he will be wearing all green. Nina decides to show up, but when she realizes that Gastón is RollerTrack, she becomes so nervous that she goes home again without showing herself. Gastón eagerly waits in the park, but she never shows up which makes him sad.

Eventually, they meet over video chat and his feelings grow even stronger, but he develops feelings for Nina as well. He keeps chatting with Felicity every day and even invites her to Ámbar's birthday party.

He finally finds out that Nina is Felicity when she reveals herself in episode 75/76.

