Soy Luna Wiki
Soy Luna Wiki

Matteo: In short, I only see you Luna.
Luna: And I only see the Chico Fresa.
Matteo: In that case, Luna and Fresa, forever?
Luna: [Nods]

Lutteo (Lu/na and Ma/tteo) is the romantic/friendship pairing of Luna Valente and Matteo Balsano. They were dating during the summer between Season 1/Episode 80 and Season 2/Episode 02 and from Season 2/Episode 41 to Season 2/Episode 62 and from Season 3/Episode 55.

For the off-screen pairing of Karol Sevilla and Ruggero Pasquarelli, see Ruggarol. The kiss on the right is on the day of Luna's 18th birthday, the day she claims her family's fortune. On Season 2/Episode 80, Luna found out her past identity, Sol Benson.

Other names[]

  • Luntteo (Lun/a and Ma/tteo)
  • Sotteo (So/l and Ma/tteo)
  • Matuna (Mat/teo and L/una)
  • FresaDelivery (Chico Fresa and Chica Delivery)
  • Los Nuevos reyes de la pista (The new royals of the rink)


Season 1[]

Part 1[]

Luna and Matteo meet when Luna is making a Foodger Wheels delivery to the Benson House. On her way, she bumps into Matteo who is practicing some skating moves. They begin to flirt with one another, but are cut short when Luna has to leave. When Luna arrives at the house and delivers Ámbar's food by the pool, she spills the shake on Ámbar's clothes after noticing Matteo at her house. Luna tries to rush out, but she is tripped up by Ámbar and falls into the pool, and Matteo jumps into the pool to pull her out.

After Luna arrives in Buenos Aires, Matteo jokingly asks her if she is following him. At that time, Matteo refers to her as 'chica delivery' (delivery girl), and Luna calls him 'chico fresa', a Mexican expression for a show-off. Even though Matteo is Ámbar's boyfriend, he constantly flirts with Luna. Matteo wants everyone to think that Luna is just another girl, but his friend Gastón is convinced that he has strong feelings for her, which is true. One day, Matteo boasts that he can get any girl that he wants, so Gastón challenges him to a bet; Matteo has to get Luna to fall in love with him.

At Blake South College, the students are given the opportunity to choose an extracurricular activity. Ámbar wants to be in photography, and also wants Matteo to be in the same class, but he has other plans. Luna chooses theater class, so Matteo chooses theater too, disregarding Ámbar's wishes. For the first assignment, they are put in a pair together and have to imitate each other. As they are performing, Luna stumbles and falls on Matteo, and they almost kiss.

During Open Music, Matteo is left without a partner and invites Luna to sing with him. Luna declines, but Matteo goes up on stage and invites Luna again, this time in front of everyone. The audience encourages Luna to sing with Matteo, and she eventually accepts. In a last-ditch attempt to get out of performing, Luna tells Matteo that she doesn't know the lyrics, but he presents her with a copy of them on a slip of paper. They finally perform "Prófugos" together, much to Matteo's delight.

In episode 40 of season 1, Luna and Matteo participate in the international roller skating contest together and end up sharing their first real kiss.

Part 2[]

After Luna and Matteo kiss, their friendship changes. When Gastón takes Matteo out to meet new girls, Matteo only flirts with Luna. When she rejects him, he leaves.

They are paired together for the Random Open with Simón. Matteo keeps Luna's surprise for Simón a secret. Matteo doesn't participate in the Open because it was going to be her last Open with Simón.

Matteo helps Luna figure out the mystery behind the stolen crystal swan. He figures out that it was Ámbar and tells Sharon. He saved the future of Luna's family.

Later, Matteo can't refuse his feelings for Luna and confesses his love for her for the first time to Gastón. Matteo writes a song for Luna, but when he sings the song to her, he failed to tell her that the song is for her.

Matteo joins Luna's Intercontinental team, and he asks her to help him demonstrate the steps. They stare at each other until Ámbar walks in, ruining the moment. Luna tries to convince Matteo to join Ámbar's team, to prevent drama, and he decides to think about it. He cheers on Luna after she tries to convince Ámbar to help them convince Tamara. He drags her out in the rink to dance.

Matteo gets jealous after seeing Luna and Simón hug, so he joins Ámbar's team. After Matteo's team won the spot at the intercontinental competition, he almost goes after Luna to cheer her up, but Simón beats him to it. After Luna starts to have romantic feelings for Simón, Matteo gets back with Ámbar to try and forget Luna.

When Matteo finds out Luna and Simón are dating, he starts acting rude to Luna whenever she talks to him. They start to return to normal, and skate together after Luna asks him why he's so rude to her, he tells her he had a bad day.

While Luna is in the rink one day, Matteo tries to do a flip to impress her. He falls on purpose and says that it's her turn to help him. She pulls him up, and they seem to almost kiss until Simón walks in.

When Luna is unsure if she should join the Intercontinental team, Matteo says that they need her on the team because she's one of the best skaters at Jam & Roller. When Simón finally agrees to join the team, Luna calls him her friend again, making Matteo smile.

After Luna and Simón break up, Matteo and Luna start to warm up to each other again. Luna dances with Matteo at Ámbar's birthday party which makes Luna confess her feelings for Matteo to Nina. Matteo tells Luna that he's returning to Italy with his father, so they decide to perform together in the last Open Music of the year. Luna has a dream which helps her comes to terms with her true feelings for Matteo. Simón begins to come to terms with Luna being in love with Matteo, so he tries to convince Matteo that Luna is in love with him. At the end of Season 1/Episode 80, Luna and Matteo confess their love for each other and share their second kiss right before Matteo leaves to return to Italy.

Season 2[]

Part 1[]

During the summer, Luna and Matteo contacted each other often and talked with each other through video calls. But when summer was almost over Matteo started to ignore Luna's messages and calls, which she found weird and made her anxious.

In Season 2/Episode 01 he sent her a message saying things had changed and that everything now was different. In the next episode, Luna finally sees Matteo again, walking down the stairs at Blake, he saw her and they stared at each other for a moment before Matteo walked away. Later that day, they meet again in a park, and Matteo breaks up with Luna.

Sometime later Matteo realizes how hard it is to stay away from Luna, and he starts faking a relationship with Fernanda, a member of "Adrenaline", to distance himself from her and make her forget about him. On the day of the recording of the choreography for entering the competition, Matteo's dad prevents him from getting there in time, severely disappointing Luna.

Matteo later gets very gets jealous of Sebastián Villalobos' new closeness to Luna. After Sebastián leaves Luna finds out that Matteo and Fernanda faked their relationship and gets furious. Fernanda left on tour with "Adrenaline" after Matteo and Ramiro left the group.

During the competition, Matteo decides, after Luna refuses to forgive him, to declare his love for her in front of everybody and then sing a song he had written for her. Luna smiles and runs over to watch it and they share a moment during the song. When the song ended Matteo tries to come over to Luna, but reporters flock around him and he can't get past them. Luna's phone rings and when call cuts she soon runs away, Nina and Matteo chasing after her. Luna runs over a road when a car at high speed comes towards her.

Part 2[]

Luna and Matteo finally start to date. At first their relationship couldn't be more perfect, however, when Vidia announces that they will be a soloist competition and the grand prize would be to record an album, Luna’s and Matteo's relationship begins to decline. Simón, Matteo, Ámbar, Yam, Nico, and Jazmín participate. Matteo and Simón win the prize and Bruno, Matteo, and Simón's new manager gets in the way of Luna’s and Matteo's relationship. Matteo begins to only think of fame and begins to treat Simón badly, upsetting Luna. In an interview, Matteo denies having a girlfriend and a rumor saying Camila Fernandez and Matteo were dating comes out, angering Luna more. Luna decides to put an end to their relationship and breaks up with him.

After their break up, Luna and Matteo seem to miss each other. Luna feels bad for breaking up with him but she prefers things as they are. Matteo thinks Luna doesn't love him anymore. Sebastián Villalobos comes back and Matteo grows jealous. However, Luna makes it clear to Sebastián that she still loves Matteo. Time goes by and Luna and Matteo realize that their relationship is over. They start to find it harder to connect and even their friendship begins to fade. Matteo gives Luna a ring that glows every time that they are together. As the Roller Fest competition begins to get closer, the Roller team goes to Cancún to attend the event. There Luna begins to connect with Simón, making Matteo jealous. At the end of the last episode, Matteo sees Luna hugging on the beach with Simón and looks devastated while Luna's ring begins to glow.

Season 3[]

Part 1[]

The season doesn't start well for Lutteo. Luna comes close to Simón and in episode 5 she confesses to Nina that she has feelings for Simón. Matteo overheard the conversation. Devastated after hearing that Luna likes Simón, Matteo thinks about her and asks Luna if she still likes him. Luna tells him she doesn't like him anymore.

Emilia is an impulsive, arrogant, and competitive girl who joins Ámbar in making a rival team against Jam and Roller. Emilia falls for Matteo and decides to do anything to get him. Luna then realizes that she does not like Simon and starts developing feelings for Matteo again. Emilia steals a kiss from Matteo and records it. In an Open Music, Luna and Matteo sing together and kiss. However, their magic moment is gone when Emilia shows in public the kiss she stole from Matteo.

After the Open Music, Luna feels devastated when she thinks Matteo and Emilia kissed. Matteo tries to explain to her that Emilia stole a kiss from him but Luna doesn't believe him. Matteo gets hold of the video that Emilia recorded of them kissing which serves as proof that Emila stole the kiss and Matteo rejected her. Luna refuses to watch the video and Matteo climbs the gate from the Benson house to make Luna forgive him but he falls down and is left unconscious. Luna cries for him and Matteo dreams that Luna forgives him and they kiss.

Part 2[]

Matteo is rushed to the hospital with Luna's father after his accident. Luna finally sees the video and understands that Matteo rejected Emilia. Matteo wakes up from the hospital and they have an awkward conversation. Luna wanted to tell him that she wanted them to get back together but she doesn't after she hears him tell Simon that he wishes that he had never climbed that gate. Matteo decides that he needs to be away from Luna and that it's best if they stayed apart.

Luna meets Michel, an exchange student who is going to live with her. Matteo and the Roller Band move in the Benson house too. Michel and Luna become really close and this makes Matteo jealous. Michel confesses to Luna that he likes her and Nina, Jim and Yam tell Luna that she likes him too. Luna nervously does not respond to Michel's confession. Michel steals a kiss from Luna and Matteo watches. Matteo is devastated and leaves, then Luna rejects Michel.

In the Roller Jam Día de los Muertos, Matteo sings a special song to Luna, Michel gets jealous and Luna realizes that she loves Matteo and will never forget him. Michel gets an offer to continue his studies in Rome and asks Luna to choose for him whether to accept the offer or stay with her. Accidentally, Michel drops Luna's ring in a pond. Matteo takes this as a sign and tells Luna that they shouldn't get back together. Even though Matteo rejected her, Luna is still certain that she loves him. Michel leaves for Rome and tells Luna to fight for Matteo's love. Luna finds it harder to even look at Matteo in the eyes after he rejected her. Simón tells Matteo that Luna and Michel weren't anything and that Luna likes him. Then he tells Luna that Matteo loves her. Luna and Matteo meet in the red bridge. A lightning storm brings back the ring, then it starts to rain and Luna and Matteo share a kiss in the rain. After the kiss, Luna and Matteo get back together and they couldn't be happier. Luna even tells her parents that she and Matteo are dating. At Luna's 18th birthday party, Matteo gives her a necklace of a moon and a strawberry, as she is Luna (Moon) and he is the Chico Fresa (Strawberry Guy).


  • First Relationship
    • Start Up: S1 E 80
    • Broke Up: S2 E 2
    • Reason: Matteo thought he was leaving for Oxford because of his father, so he broke her up before the distance could, but he also pretended to be in a relationship with Fernanda to get Luna to forget about him.
  • Second Relationship
    • Start Up: Season 2/Episode 41
    • Broke Up: Season 2/Episode 62
    • Reason: Luna confronts Matteo about the interview, which was secretly arranged by Bruno, for treating Simón badly. He accuses her of being jealous of his success and when Matteo declares that Luna never sides with him it wouldn't make sense they stay together, to which Luna agrees and decides to break off the relationship.
  • Third Relationship



  • Both have naturally brown hair.
  • Both have a passion for skating.
  • Both are teenagers.
  • Both reside in Buenos Aires.
  • Both attend Blake South College.
  • Both have nicknames for each other.
  • Both have a relationship with Ámbar (Matteo is her ex-boyfriend and Luna is her rival).
  • Both have a relationship with Simón (Luna is his ex-girlfriend and Matteo is his rival).
  • Both are talented singers.
  • Both were in the acting class at Blake South College.
  • Both have worked at the Jam & Roller.
  • Both have a good relationship with Ámbar.
  • Both have a good relationship with Simón.


  • Matteo has brown eyes, and Luna has green eyes.
  • Luna is Mexican and Argentine, while Matteo is Italian.
  • Luna is a year younger than Matteo.
  • Matteo doesn't like Simon, but Luna loves him.
  • Luna can't stand Ambar, but Matteo liked her.
  • Matteo is a boy, Luna is a girl.


  • Matteo helped Luna do her math and chemistry homework.
  • Luna was jealous when Ámbar kissed Matteo.
  • Luna had a dream where she and Matteo were skating, and then Matteo almost kissed her.
  • Luna's first kiss was with Matteo.
  • Matteo first admitted he was in love with Luna in Season 1/Episode 51.
  • Matteo wrote the song "Siento" for Luna but she doesn't know it was for her. [1] Luna finds out Matteo wrote it for her in Season 2/Episode 71
  • While skating at the park, Matteo was thinking about Luna, even though he was with Ámbar at the time.
  • They sang a song called "Qué más da" together.[2]
  • Luna had a dream where she kissed Simón, but he turned into Matteo.
  • Luna had another dream, where she is skating with Simón. Matteo skates up and grabs her hand making her smile. Simón takes her other hand, making Luna let go of Matteo's, who gets pulled away by Ámbar.
  • Luna told Matteo that she loves him in Season 1/Episode 80.
  • Matteo told Luna about his feelings for her in Season 1/Episode 78.
  • Karol Sevilla prefers this couple over Lumón.[3]
  • Ruggero Pasquarelli loves this couple as well.[4]
  • At the end of Season 1, this was the couple the fans wanted most.[5]
  • Their best friends were dating each other.
  • Their ship name (Lutteo) was confirmed on the official Soy Luna Facebook Page, and was later used multiple times in Season 2 to describe the couple within the show.[6]


Song - The Lutteo song is "Prófugos," since they sang it together at Jam & Roller. Another Lutteo song could also be "Alas," since they skated to it together at the International Skating Competition, or "Qué más da" because they wrote it together and sang it in an Open Music.

Episode - The Lutteo episode is Season 1/Episode 40, as they share their first kiss in this episode. Another Lutteo episode could also be Season 1/Episode 80, as that is when they share their second kiss, and confess their feelings for each other. It could also be Season 2/Episode 42, as they shared their third kiss, and officially start dating as a couple.

Color - The Lutteo color is red because Luna has two names: Luna and Sol. When the day becomes night (when the sun (Sol) becomes the moon (Luna)) the refraction of light coming from the sun makes the sky red. Matteo makes Luna change, so red is the color for them. Red is also the color of love, the emotion that occurs between Luna and Matteo. Strawberries (Fresas) are also red and the necklace that Matteo gives Luna in the series finale is red as well.

Place - Lutteo has several places. One could be in Cancún, Mexico, where they first bumped into each other. Another could be the rooftop where they kissed and truly confessed their feelings for one another for the first time. Another location could be the bench, where Luna and Matteo rehearse Romeo and Juliet, Matteo sang Siento for Luna, Matteo daydreams about being with Luna in Cancún, Matteo and Luna sing Quédate together, and Matteo and Luna agree that it is "Luna and Fresa, forever." Perhaps the most known location, although it does not appear in Season 1, is the bridge. On there, Luna and Matteo share their third kiss, almost get back together, only to be interrupted by Michel, and finally, they get together for the duration of the show on the bridge.

Item - There are two main Lutteo items, one of which first appears in the second season. The items are necklaces and the ring. Necklaces are the first important item we see between the pair. It is also one of the iconic things from this show. In the first episode of season 1, Luna loses her necklace in the pool when she falls in. Offscreen, Matteo would have had to go back into the pool to retrieve Luna's necklace, which he gives back to her later in the episode. Luna also loses her necklace in the season 1 finale at Jam and Roller, which Matteo brings back to her on the roof where they share their second kiss. In the season 3 finale, Matteo gives Luna another necklace of a Luna and a Fresa. This takes the series full circle as Matteo gives Luna a necklace in both the first and last episodes of the series. The ring is another item that is prominent in Lutteo's history. It first appears in season 2 and is given to Luna by Matteo and is said to light up whenever they are together. Luna loses the ring in Cancún in the season 2 finale and she is devastated when she realizes it in season 3. Matteo, after finding the ring on the beach in Cancún is also devastated, thinking Luna either purposely threw it away or didn't care enough about it to take care of it. They both realize that the ring had become a symbol of their relationship, whether together or not. After some time, Luna gets her ring back, and later in season 3, she decides to confess her feelings for Matteo once again, using the ring to do so. However, they are interrupted by Michel who accidentally knocks the ring out of Luna's hand into the pond below the bridge. Matteo takes this as a sign that he and Luna are not meant to be together. Finally, after much difficulty, a storm arrives and a lightning strike reveals the ring's location in the pond. Matteo takes the ring and places it on Luna's finger. It is at this point that they get together for the remainder of the series.


Season 1[]

Season 1/Episode 01

Matteo: Maybe you wanted to bump into me.
Luna: What are you saying? I'm not interested in bumping into you.
Matteo: Are you sure? Many girls are interested.
Luna: Really? Why?
Matteo: Look at me.

Season 1/Episode 80

Luna: I don't want to lose you.
Matteo: Neither do I.
Luna: [to Matteo] Whenever we're together, I feel like there's a thousand of shining stars around us. I love you so much Matteo. No distance can change what I feel for you.
Matteo: I'm going to miss you, Chica Delivery.
Luna: I'll miss you too, Chico Fresa.

Season 2[]

Season 2/Episode 41

Matteo: [to Luna] In your eyes, I can see the reflection of my love for you.

Season 3[]

Season 3/Episode 20

Matteo: In short, I only see you Luna.
Luna: And I only see the Chico Fresa.
Matteo: In that case, Luna and Fresa, forever?
Luna: [Nods]


To view the Lutteo gallery, click here.

