Soy Luna Wiki

Jelmbar (J/azmín, D/el/fina and Á/mbar) is the friendship pairing of Jazmín Carvajal, Delfina, and Ámbar Smith.


Season 1[]

They are best friends at the start of the series. While Ámbar is in Cancún, she is video-called by Jazmín and Delfina. They film a video for Fab and Chic together, and Jazmín and Delfina ask her about Matteo. When Ámbar flies back to Buenos Aires, she meets with Jazmín and Delfina, and they talk about her trip and Luna. After this, they all begin to dislike Luna.

Ámbar convinces Jazmín and Delfina to help her with her plan to get Luna to lose the assistant job at Jam & Roller. Delfina loosens the wheels on Luna's skates, while Jazmín keeps guard. Delfina has trouble loosening them, so Ámbar takes over.

Throughout the rest of Season 1, Delfina and Jazmín continue to be loyal and caring friends, despite Ámbar's cold-hearted nature. They band together to figure out who FelicityForNow is, as they see her dissenting viewpoint to be dangerous to their popularity. Delfina and Jazmín also look out for Ámbar when they think Matteo is cheating on Ámbar with Luna. The investigation backfires when Delfi and Jazmín turn out to be mistaken though, since Matteo was with his cousin Flor, and Ámbar is upset with them for making her doubt Matteo.

In Season 1/Episode 49, Delfina wants to invite Pedro onto their team for the internal skating competition and Jazmín is worried that Ámbar will stop being friends with them if they don't do what she says. Jazmín says that losing Ámbar as a friend would be social suicide, while Delfi says that Ámbar doesn't have a lot of choices in friends. The conversation reveals some of Jazmín and Delfina's true intentions and feelings about their three-way friendship.

Season 2[]

Jazmín and Delfina eventually have enough of Ámbar's schemes, drop her as a friend, and befriend Luna.



  • They are all female.
  • They were all students at the Blake South College and graduated together.
  • They loved singing together.
  • They all disliked Luna in the beginning.
  • They all enjoy freestyle skating.
  • They all have their initials written on their skates.
  • They are all Argentine, the only friend group featured in the series as such.


  • Ámbar has blonde hair, Delfina has dark brown hair, and Jazmín has red hair.
  • Ámbar and Delfina participated in the International Skating Competition, while Jazmín did not.
  • Delfina is in love with Pedro, while Jazmín and Ámbar do not like him.
  • Jazmín and Delfina are friends with Luna in later seasons, while Ámbar continues to hate her.

Facts []

  • Ámbar is the leader of the group.
  • They performed "Chicas así" together in an Open Music.


Song -The Jelmbar song is "Chicas así", as they sang it together during an Open Music, and at Ámbar's birthday party.

Episode- The Jelmbar episode could be Season 1/Episode 01, since it is first shown that they are best friends in that episode. It could also be Season 1/Episode 45, because that is when they performed "Chicas así" together during an Open Music.

Color- The Jelmbar color could be green, since they were all wearing green clothes for the "Girls vs Boys" Open Music. It also symbolizes jealousy, a feeling frequently felt throughout the group. 

Place- The Jelmbar place could be Jam & Roller, as they all hung out there together. Another place could be Blake South College, as they all went to school there.


Season 1[]

Season 1/Episode 51

Ámbar: Do you two even still want to be my friends or not? Do you still want to be apart of the most popular clique at Blake?
Jazmín: Yes, Ámbar, I would do anything! I could never leave the pedestal of popularity!

Ámbar: Then it'd be smart of you to stay on my good side and do as I say.


To view the Jelmbar gallery, click here.

