Jazfina (Jaz/mín and Del/fina) is the friendship pairing of Jazmín Carvajal and Delfina.
For the off-screen pairing of Katja Martínez and Malena Ratner, see Katena.
Other Names[]
- Jelfi (J/azmín and D/elfi)
- Jelfina (J/azmín and D/elfina)
Before the Show[]
It is known that they have been best friends since they were at least 10 years old, since Jazmín knew the hamster Delfi had when she was 10.
Season 1[]
- Both have brown eyes.
- They are both girls.
- Both used to dislike Luna because Ámbar did, but after they ended their friendship with Ámbar, they soon became friends with Luna.
- Both went to Blake South College.
- Both are teenagers.
- Both were best friends with Ámbar.
- Both are Argentine.
- Both had a crush on someone; Delfina had a crush on Gastón and Jazmín had a crush on Simón.
- Both post on Fab and Chic.
- Both were in the photography class at Blake South College.
- Jazmín has red hair, but Delfina has dark brown hair.
- Delfina participated in the skating contest, while Jazmín did not.
- Delfina sometimes fought with Ámbar, but Jazmín did not.
- Delfina has been in a relationship, but Jazmín has not yet.
- They are best friends.
- They often film and take pictures on Jazmín's tablet.
- They used to run the blog Fab & Chic together until Jazmín started her own channel, Ja Jazmín, to let Delfina run Fab & Chic by herself.
To view the Jazfina gallery, click here.