Soy Luna Wiki
Soy Luna Wiki

Ámfina is the friendship pairing of Ámbar Smith and Delfina.

Other Names[]

  • Delfar (Delf/ina and Ámb/ar)


Before the Show[]

They have been friends since before the show began.

Season 1[]

Delfina and Ámbar, along with Jazmín, are best friends. In the first episode, they video chat while Ámbar is in Cancún. When Ámbar returns, she talks to Jazmín and Delfina about Luna.




  • Ámbar is a very mean girl, while Delfina, at heart, is very sweet.
  • Ámbar is very manipulative, while Delfina is easily manipulated.
  • Delfina can be a little bit ditzy at times, but Ámbar is very smart.
  • Delfina posts on the "Fab and Chic" blog, but Ámbar does not.
  • Ámbar hates Luna while Delfina is starting to become friends with her.


  • Gastón has said that they are very similar.
  • In the second season Delfina has finally had enough of Ámbar's behavior and ends their friendship.


Song - Their song could be Chicas así, since they both sing it in season 1 about their friendship group.

Episode - The episode could be Season 1 episode 80, since that is when they make up after the fight in a previous episode.

Color - The Ámfina color could be white as they are both have white skating helmets.

Place - The Ámfina place could be Jam & Roller as they hang out together there, with Jazmín.


To view the Ámfina gallery, click here.
